Why are we here?



Since I can remember, I have recognised an irresistible and highly rewarding impulse in myself to explore the meaning that resides in each person, in the actions and behaviours we display. And in how that vital impulse in each of us is maintained, grows, or deviates.

At the age of 17, I faced the transition to university, which led me to experience certain deviations in the subjects to study, forcing me to make my own selection. Years later, while studying Sociology, I confirmed that I was interested in that social space that points towards the sense and coherence in each person who is torn between what they say and what they do, between what they desire and what they must do when they dance between themselves and the social group.

In university, under the guidance of the great teacher Jesús Ibáñez, I became fascinated with the value of researching through discourses, in what we tell ourselves and tell others. Thus, I began my journey in research through Social Listening, managing to channel my passion along a path that, forty years later, I continue to travel.

My first investigations were in 1985, when I created my own professional office, where I balanced the decisions of an emerging business with my work as a social analyst for brands, institutions, and business leaders. Since then, I have learned the value gained from sustaining my own business by honing my skills in the craft of social research.

In 1990, I always say it was by chance, my brother Luis Miguel and I joined forces in mutual cooperation, reflection, and the joy of also growing our professional lives and our business, Two Much Research Studio. Traversing the path of social science through a family bond is a challenge that multiplies and expands my emotional ties, which have been further enriched by our professional journey that has now surpassed the first 25 years.

I continue to receive training, and my passion for the analysis of social discourse keeps growing, as it opens the doors to observation, comprehension, and interpretation of the narratives with which we perceive, feel, desire, and create ourselves as a society.

COMMUN is a new challenge created together with Myriam and Silvia, where I continue to grow professionally beyond what I have learned, engaging in a very personal commitment with the new generations with whom I wish to share the passion for social research.


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